Amazing how a good night would do for me on Day 5, I could see humor in anything happened and laughed at/with myself:
woke up earlier than the others at 5:30ish; while waiting for them to
arrive outside the kitchen for Netti Kriya (nostrils cleansing), I
walked around the building in the dark, tumbled over a medium pile of
dirt that a dog had a hole in which was big enough for her puppies. She
barked at me while other watching and laughing as I ran back to them. My
thought: Gosh! surrounding by all the calmness of people and animals
and I still managed to piss off a dog that early in the morning. Now I
have empathy for my husband who would lovingly say "that's my Le!" :)
-Watching all of us practised the Netty thing was hilarious! Me, swallowed the salt water instead of letting it out on the other nostril; some trying to squat down( ya right) or tipping their heads in different directions hoping the water would cooperate. Guys, water doesn't yield!
The water story was not ended there, while I was in Downdog pose, the
water was still coming out through the nose, I thought just me didn't
drain it well, so I kept it a secret and wiping it . But not long after
next to me, Jitra, a Thai lady who is very funny and expressive, had the
same problem but lots more water than I did, she left her pose and
asked Bhooma right away. That's when I lost it, dropped my knees down
and laughed :)))!
- after couple attempts for
Sirsana (Headstand), the Savangasana (shoulder stand) and Halasana
(plough) seem like having a spa day for me!
wish Kapabalati (breathing practice)gives me six-pack abs??? LOL! We are
doing lots 2/day 3-4 rounds. Google it if you want to know more.
- haven't book a massage session yet, 700 Rupees ($15) I heard she use lots of oil and we don't have lots of water for shower.
the best for last, the language barrier! I am not exaggerating: when
Bhooma said "hold you breath" in certain poses, I could only hear "hold
your bra" seriously! Should i have my ears checked or my head? I always
have a smirky smile when i heard he said it. Hope he never read my blog!
Now I could relate to the people who attended my classes how they were
struggling to understand my cueing :)
Gunther said I signed up for this and getting everything had been advertised. So true!
Shanti Le from Egypt ... thinking of you ... Keep writing ... thank you for sharing ... I wait for your posts ... Metta xxooxx